The 20th Nelum Mal Poojawa and Kiri Ahara Poojawa, organized annually by the SANASA Movement was held at the premises of Anuradhapura Ruwanwelisaya and the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi.
These meritorious deeds which are conducted by the SANASA Maha
Sangamaya to bestow blessings to all Sri Lankans this year was held with the contribution of the Nikaweratiya Chapter and other associated unions.
The Pinkama which began on January 4 with the Nelum Mal Poojawa at the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi premises ended on January 5 at the
Ruwanwelisaya premises with the Kiri Ahara Poojawa.
Devotees in thousands from all around the island participated in these meritorious activities. SANASA Life Insurance Limited expresses its sincere thanks to all participants of the event.